data center technology

Located at the 365 Data Center in New York, our data center is strategically located 40 miles east of New York City and has been designed with a robust and highly reliable power infrastructure. Diverse and completely separate incoming utility power transformers feed into isolated power rooms, and redundant PLC controls provide the interface between the incoming utility feeds and generator plant. 

onsite fuel storage at full load that supports backup generators
0 Hours
total square feet and an immediate 3 MW of power
0 +
london vps hosting

Data Center Technology, Ahead of the Curve

24” raised floor with fire and flood sensors throughout building; sub-floor cabling

Fire Proof

Fire suppression system uses environmentally friendly clean agent gas FK-5-1-12 (Novec 1230 Sapphire), N+1 main/ reserve system with early warning smoke detection

Temperature Regulation

Hot aisle/cold aisle cabinet setup with cold aisle containments

Power & Security

dataserver security

the vault.

blog / knowledgebase

Hundreds of free curated and original articles available to assist you with your Linux servers, WordPress websites and general web hosting tips.